Competitive decarbonisation
The impacts of such changes on the EU will be myriad. Shares in European wind turbine makers have fallen on Trump’s policy announcements, which includes suspending new offshore project leasing. However, the EU could also benefit if it creates the right environment, and clean tech companies previously pulled to the US by the IRA opt instead to set up shop in Europe.
How the EU plans to boost the clean tech sector should become clearer when it publishes its Clean Industrial Deal, scheduled for February 26. More than 100 clean tech start-ups, scale-ups and investors from across Europe have written to the European Commission urging a “strong and ambitious” deal that delivers “competitive decarbonisation”.
In practice, this means sending two “decisive market signals”: first, that there will be a strong surge in demand for clean tech, and second, a strategic focus on public de-risking to leverage €38tn in private capital to unlock European clean tech’s full potential, says the letter.
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