cleantech SCALE-UPS

The Cleantech Scale-up Coalition represents the Next Generation of European industry. The companies in the coalition are scaling and industrialising technologies helping Europe become climate neutral, energy independent and competitive: working across value chains and sectors, from decarbonising industry and energy with renewable hydrogen to producing scalable low-carbon cement, from electrifying transport to recycling materials and batteries.

The Cleantech Scale-up Coalition’s ambition is to usher in a new era of climate and industrial leadership for Europe, by making next generation clean technologies a strategic priority in the public debate, and advocating for the policy conditions for these technologies – and the companies developing them - to scale and become global front-runners.

what we believe in

A new European industrial leadership

In recent decades, the EU has lost out to other regions in sectors like first-generation solar and digital consumer technologies. We now have an opportunity to lead the clean industries of the 21st century, generating lasting competitiveness and high-quality jobs for all Europeans. With the US spending hundreds of billions of dollars to scale clean technologies, the time to build this future leadership is now. This will only happen if Europe acts as one.

Spearheading global decarbonisation

The climate crisis is growing more urgent by the day. The EU has developed the technologies and we now need to lead the global clean transformation. Scaling those technologies is the key to climate leadership

Increasing resilience

The urgency to wean ourselves off fossil fuels and to secure critical materials, supply chains and manufacturing capacity has never been clearer. But we need to do so while creating a better, prosperous future for all. Deploying clean technologies at scale can create a new energy and resource paradigm for Europe.

what we aim for

A step-change in cleantech growth investment

While Europe is well-equipped to finance new technologies at the early stages, both public and private funders are lacking when it comes to industrialisation. We need public funding to become more accessible to scale-ups, and to mobilize private investors for maximal leverage.

A green demand shock

The scale up of clean technologies depends on strong and stable demand signals for green solutions. Securing ambitious, binding targets for adoption of clean technologies, establishing an effective and a predictable carbon price, levelling the playing field with incumbents, leveraging green procurement and creating lead markets will get us to scale faster.

Removing barriers to scale

Harmonise policies, permitting procedures and standards between incumbents and new players, between member states, and internationally, to help cleantech companies scale faster across the EU and in global markets.

who we are

Producing green steel using renewable hydrogen and electricity
Developing and manufacturing electrolysers, providing renewable hydrogen and syngas as substitutes for fossil energy sources
Converting renewable energy and carbon dioxide into a pipeline-grade synthetic renewable gas
Pioneering scalable low-clinker cement to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in the cement and construction industries
Plastic Energy
Transforming plastics into a recycled oil for plastic and fuel pathways through a chemical recycling process
Manufacturing modular electrolysers for on-site renewable hydrogen applications
Recovering and recycling critical raw materials from EV battery production scraps and end-of-life lithium-ion batteries
Skeleton Technologies
Developing and manufacturing supercapacitors and a SuperBattery for high-power grid, transportation, and industrial applications
Energy Dome
Developing and manufacturing CO2 Batteries for long-duration energy storage as a service
ZE Energy
Developing, building and operating hybrid solar PV power plants with energy storage
Fast-tracking low‑carbon lithium-ion battery production at gigafactory scale, to serve the European market
Battolyser Systems
Developing and manufacturing the world’s only electrolyser with battery capacity that can produce low cost green hydrogen
Baseload Capital
Innovative geothermal project developer investing in and developing geothermal heat and power plants globally
Recovers and recycles critical raw materials from end-of-life batteries or production scraps with high efficiency and material purity
Direct Air Capture and Storage (DAC+S) technology which removes unavoidable and historic CO₂ from the air
Electra Charging
Developer of ultra-fast charging stations for electric vehicles
Rega Energy Group
Renewable energy company focused on accelerating the advent of a sustainable industry with Biomethane and Green Hydrogen
Heart Aerospace
Developing hybrid-electric aircraft to decarbonize regional air travel
Producing renewable drop-in e-fuels for the shipping and aviation industries
Atlas Agro
Creating a new path to sustainable agriculture with low carbon nitrogen fertilizers
Manufactures high-performance electrolyser modules for green hydrogen production
Turns non-recyclable waste to stone via ‘Accelerated Fossilisation
Policy Voices
Policy Voices
Scale-up Coalition
Scale-up Coalition
Industrial Decarbonisation
Industrial Decarbonisation
EU Funding
EU Funding
Regional Initiatives
Regional Initiatives
Company News
Company News
In the Press
In the Press
Voices of Innovation
Voices of Innovation
Cleantech Investors
Cleantech Investors