cleantech for europe summit
Brussels, September 26th

Time to scale.

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The European Union has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lead the race to net zero. As policymakers enact ambitious decarbonisation targets, EU cleantech innovators are paving the way for a new climate and industrial leadership.To seize this leadership, the EU must learn to scale up its clean technologies and create the conditions for wide adoption and a just transition.
Our new series of events is bridging the gap between the innovation and policy worlds. Each quarter, cleantech CEOs and investors share the stage with leading policymakers to make the most of the decade of action.

Join the conversation at #CleantechforEurope
Request an invitation here

about the summit

The European Union has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lead the race to net zero. As policymakers enact ambitious decarbonisation targets, EU cleantech innovators are paving the way for a new climate and industrial leadership.To seize this leadership, the EU must learn to scale up its clean technologies and create the conditions for wide adoption and a just transition.
Our new series of events is bridging the gap between the innovation and policy worlds. Each quarter, cleantech CEOs and investors share the stage with leading policymakers to make the most of the decade of action.

Join the conversation at #CleantechforEurope
Over the last decade, the EU has become a cleantech innovation powerhouse. A new generation of industrial leaders could underpin Europe’s global competitiveness and prosperity for decades to come. However, we still struggle to scale and industrialise clean technologies in Europe, especially when they are developed by newcomers. At the same time, European industry is suffering from high energy prices, a lack of investment and an uneven playing field with global peers. With competition heating up from the US and China, clean technologies are the answer to Europe’s industrial competitiveness. We have already developed most of the technologies required to bring us to climate neutrality and energy resilience, but that is not enough. Now, Europe urgently needs to deploy these innovations – and to do so, scale matters.

This year’s Summit takes place in Brussels at the very start of a new political mandate for the EU. This is a crucial time to ensure Europe’s strategic agenda focuses on industrial competitiveness and prioritises the scale-up of our cleantech manufacturing sector. As the EU starts a new political cycle, Cleantech for Europe Summit 2024 will gather the highest levels of policy and cleantech leaders to chart a path to competitiveness and industrial leadership for Europe.

The Summit is an invite-only event, limited to 150 participants, and focuses on high-level discussions and announcements. You can request an invitation via filling out the form below.
The countdown to Cleantech for Europe’s Annual Summit








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The European Union has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lead the race to net zero. As policymakers enact ambitious decarbonisation targets, EU cleantech innovators are paving the way for a new climate and industrial leadership.To seize this leadership, the EU must learn to scale up its clean technologies and create the conditions for wide adoption and a just transition.
Our new series of events is bridging the gap between the innovation and policy worlds. Each quarter, cleantech CEOs and investors share the stage with leading policymakers to make the most of the decade of action.

Join the conversation at #CleantechforEurope


Kurt Vandenberghe
Director General
Maria Persson Gulda
Nils Aldag
Lídia Pereira
Vice-Chair, European People's Party
European Parliament
Mechthild Wörsdörfer
Deputy Director-General
Bertrand Piccard
Chairman of Solar Impulse Foundation
Martin Hojsík
European Parliament
mohammed chahim
Vice-Chair, Socialists and Democrats
European Parliament
Francesco Oppici
Energy Dome
Thomas Pellerin-Carlin
Member of the European Parliament
Anna Skarborg
Head of Sustainability
P Capital Partners
Jean-Christophe LALOUX
Director General and Head of Lending
European Investment Bank
Alice Hancock
EU Correspondent
Financial Times
Member of the European Parliament
Mathieu Lassagne
ZE Energy
JULIA Reinaud
Senior Director
Breakthrough Energy
Taavi Madiberk
Skeleton Technologies
Mattijs Slee
Battolyser Systems
Veronica Wänman
Investment Manager
Baseload Capital
jules besnainou
Executive Director
Cleantech for Europe
danielle BARON
Global Head of Energy and Real Assets
Credit Agricole CIB
Gideon Schwich
Co-founder and COO
Petter Østbø
Chief Executive Officer
Atlas Agro
Bianca Dragomir
Cleantech for Iberia
Peter Nelson
General Counsel
Heart Aerospace
Khouloud KARAM
Caspar Schuchmann
Quentin Laurens
Director of Public Affairs
Gilles Moreau
Manon Dufour
Executive Director
Thomas Carrier
Rega Energy
Timur Gül
Chief Energy Technology Officer
International Energy Agency
Sonja van Renssen
Chief Strategy Officer
Carbon Pulse
Pascal Canfin
Member of European Parliament
MARIO Fernandez
Head of Catalyst
Breakthrough Energy
Michael BLOSS
Member of European Parliament
Joaquim Nunes de Almeida
DG Grow, European Commission
Jacob Bro
Partner & Co-Founder


8:30 - 9:15

Arrival: Coffee and Pastries

9:15 – 9:25

Welcome words: Time to Scale

Jules Besnainou
Executive Director
Cleantech for Europe
JULIA Reinaud
Senior Director
Breakthrough Energy
9:25 – 9:35

Opening Keynote

Martin Hojsík
European Parliament
9:35 – 10:10

Opening Panel: A Clean Industrial Deal for Europe

Over the past decade, Europe has become a cleantech innovation powerhouse, developing and validating most of the technologies we need to decarbonise, ensure our energy resilience and give us a shot at industrial leadership. However, we are still struggling to scale, industrialise and deploy these technologies massively. The Clean Industrial Deal announced in President Von der Leyen’s Political Guidelines is a critical opportunity to meet this moment.
moderator: Alice Hancock
EU Correspondent
Financial Times
Mechtild Wörsdörfer
Deputy-Director General
DG ENER, European Commission
Jean-Christophe Laloux
Director-General and Head of Lending
European Investment Bank
Nils Aldag
Mario Fernandez
Head of Catalyst
Breakthrough Energy
10:10 – 10:20

Stories of Scale: Stegra

Clean technologies are scaling across Europe. Hear from the leaders building the next generation of European industry.
Maria Persson Gulda
10:20 – 10:30

Stories of Scale: Verkor

Clean technologies are scaling across Europe. Hear from the leaders buildingthe next generation of European industry.
Gilles Moreau
10:30 – 12:00

Co-Creation: Time to Scale

Each breakout room is led by a cleantech leader and a Member of European Parliament. Discussion leaders frame the topic and its biggest challenges (15 mins). Participants will spend 45 mins on solving for these challenges in a facilitated discussion.
At 11:30 MEPs join a plenary panel to discuss key findings and next steps.
moderator: Suzana Carp
Deputy Executive Director
Cleantech for Europe
MEP Radan Kanev
MEP Pascal Canfin
MEP Michael Bloss
Financing a Manufacturing Boom
A demand Shock for Cleantech
Levelling the Playing Field for European Manufacturing
Access to Affordable, Abundant Clean Energy

Networking Lunch - Regional tables:

hear from the latest cleantech and policy developments across Europe by joining tables from:
Tech for Net Zero (DACH region)
Cleantech for France
Cleantech for Iberia
Cleantech for UK
Cleantech for Nordics
Cleantech for Baltics
Cleantech for Italy
13:15 – 13:40

Announcements and Celebrations

Nils Aldag
Maria Persson Gulda
Francesco Oppici
Energy Dome
Mathieu Lassagne
ZE Energy
Taavi Madiberk
Skeleton Technologies
Mattijs Slee
Battolyser Systems
Veronica Wänman
Investment Manager
Baseload Capital
Gideon Schwich
Co-founder and COO
Petter Østbø
Chief Executive Officer
Atlas Agro
Khouloud Karam
Caspar Schuchmann
Quentin Laurens
Director of Public Affairs
Gilles Moreau
Thomas Carrier
Rega Energy
13:40 – 14:25

Making Europe the Home of Cleantech Manufacturing

Europe has successfully developed new generations of clean technologies. However, Europe lacks a comprehensive strategy for scaling the manufacturing of clean technologies at home. Technologies developed in Europe end up scaling in 3rd countries, where they find economies of scale faster, generous subsidies, abundant capital and clear demand/price signals. The start of the new mandate presents a critical opportunity to rethink our industrial and trade policy, and to develop a “Made in Europe” strategy.
Moderator: Sonja van Renssen
Chief Strategy Officer
Carbon Pulse
Kurt Vandenberghe
Director General
Francesco Oppici
Energy Dome
Timur Gül
Chief Energy Technology Officer
MEP Lídia Pereira
European People’s Party
14:25 –  14:35

Stories of Scale: Climate Impulse

Clean technologies are scaling across Europe. Hear from the leaders building the next generation of European industry.
Bertrand Piccard
Explorer and Chairman
Solar Impulse Foundation
14:35 –  15:10

A Cleantech Investment Plan for European Competitiveness

The EU is vying to become the home of cleantech and industrial innovation. But our latest research reveals a gap in the hundreds of billions of euros to meet our 2030 objectives. To compete on the global stage, the EU needs an ambitious Cleantech Investment Plan.
Danielle Baron
Energy and Real Assets
Credit Agricole
Anna Skarborg
Head of Sustainability
P Capital Partners
MEP Thomas Pellerin-Carlin
Member of the European Parliament
Patric Gresko
Head of Division
Sustainability & Innovation
15:10 – 15:25

Coffee Break

15:25 – 16:15

Thematic Breakout Rooms

Hear from the latest research from leading think-tanks and consultancies in the climate and industry space:
Clinic: how to build a successful Innovation Fund application, (starting at 15:15)
Green Steel in the Automotive Industry
Europe's Cleantech Trade Agenda
The Next Multiannual Financial Framework
16:15 –  16:45

EU-UK: An opportunity for increased cleantech collaboration

The UK and the EU have been global leaders in setting goals to achieve net-zero emissions before 2050. To achieve these goals and generate long-term competitiveness, the two regions will need to build a thriving cleantech industry. As new political mandates start in the EU and the UK, this panel will discuss whether and how the two regions can increase collaboration in cleantech, zooming into 4 areas of pragmatic collaboration: offshore wind, electric grids, CCS and carbon markets. Based on the latest research and political signals, is there space for a stronger EU-UK cleantech strategy?
Moderators: Suzana Carp
Deputy Executive Director
Cleantech for Europe
Sarah Mackintosh
Cleantech for UK
16:45 – 17:15

Closing Plenary

Philipp Offenberg
Breakthrough Energy
Joaquim Nunes de Almeida
DG GROW, European Commission
17:20 – 18:00

Networking Drinks

Last year’s summit

The European Union has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lead the race to net zero. As policymakers enact ambitious decarbonisation targets, EU cleantech innovators are paving the way for a new climate and industrial leadership.To seize this leadership, the EU must learn to scale up its clean technologies and create the conditions for wide adoption and a just transition.
Our new series of events is bridging the gap between the innovation and policy worlds. Each quarter, cleantech CEOs and investors share the stage with leading policymakers to make the most of the decade of action.

Join the conversation at #CleantechforEurope
Last years event featured a keynote address by the  European Commission Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, panels and keynotes from numerous cleantech CEOs and other leaders, as well as the induction of new members into our Scale-up Coalition, and the announcement of a significant partnership between Cleantech for Europe and the European Innovation Council. The Summit also featured a generative collaborative exercise chaired by Members of European Parliament and led by sectoral experts to roadmap ways to scale and deploy innovation in key technology areas where EU cleantech companies have an innovation edge.

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The European Union has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lead the race to net zero. As policymakers enact ambitious decarbonisation targets, EU cleantech innovators are paving the way for a new climate and industrial leadership.To seize this leadership, the EU must learn to scale up its clean technologies and create the conditions for wide adoption and a just transition.
Our new series of events is bridging the gap between the innovation and policy worlds. Each quarter, cleantech CEOs and investors share the stage with leading policymakers to make the most of the decade of action.

Join the conversation at #CleantechforEurope


Peter Hirsch
Head of  Sustainability
Stefan  Söderling
Fund Manager  and CEO
Almi Invest  Greentech
Stéphane Tondo
Head of  Governmental Affairs/Decarbonization
ArcelorMittal  Europe
Fabio  Lancellotti
Einārs Garoza
Co-founder and Managing  Partner
BADideas.fund  (Latvia)
Veronica Wänman
Investment  Manager
Baseload  Capital
Triinu Lukas
Beamline  Accelerator
Ann Metter
Vice President Europe
Breakthrough Energy
Ann Metter
Vice President Europe
Breakthrough Energy
Ann Metter
Vice President Europe
Breakthrough Energy
Ann Metter
Vice President Europe
Breakthrough Energy
Ann Metter
Vice President Europe
Breakthrough Energy
Ann Metter
Vice President Europe
Breakthrough Energy