EU-UK: An opportunity for increased cleantech collaboration
The UK and the EU have been global leaders in setting goals to achieve net-zero emissions before 2050. To achieve these goals and generate long-term competitiveness, the two regions will need to build a thriving cleantech industry. As new political mandates start in the EU and the UK, this panel will discuss whether and how the two regions can increase collaboration in cleantech, zooming into 4 areas of pragmatic collaboration: offshore wind, electric grids, CCS and carbon markets. Based on the latest research and political signals, is there space for a stronger EU-UK cleantech strategy?
Miranda Dawkins
Counsellor - Trade, Sustainability and Markets
UK Mission to the EU
Thomas Pellerin-Carlin
MEP (S&D, France)
Delegation to the House of Commons
Jacob Bro
Founding Partner
Duncan Burt
Chief Strategic Growth Officer
Reactive Technologies
Moderator: Suzana Carp
Deputy Executive Director
Cleantech for Europe
Moderator: Sarah Mackintosh
Cleantech for UK