how does eu policymaking work?

EU Policy is led by 3 institutions

European Commission

The European Commission is in charge of initiating European legislation

European Parliament

The European Parliament consists of 705 directly elected lawmakers from across Europe. The European Parliament is a co-legislator and has the power to adopt and amend legislative proposals, as well as supervising EU institutions and budgets

Council of the European Union

The Council of the European Union is made up of Member State ministers, coordinating on their respective fields of competence. The Council amends proposals from the Commission and Parliament, and can approve or block all legislative proposals

EU policy has a significant impact on cleantech

Sectoral policy

EU policy impacts a number of economic sectors, such as energy, manufacturing, agriculture and mobility

Sustainable Finance

The EU has adopted pioneering approaches to accelerate the flow of money toward sustainable investments including through the legal classification of green investments, enhanced non-financial disclosures and establising an EU green bond framework standard

EU Funding Instruments

The EU dedicates a big portion of its budget to investments in green transition including in cleantech innovation via programs such as Horizon Europe, the European Innovation Council and the Innovation Fund

Our role in EU policymaking

Bridge the gap

We bridge the gap between policymakers, cleantech innovators and investors


We connect policymakers with cleantech innovators to showcase how their tangible low carbon solutions can contribute to decarbonisation, energy independence and industrial leadership


We provide a space for discussion and bold ideas to work together towards the future of the EU's economy
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Critical Raw Materials
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Cleantech Investors
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our policy positions

Policy will make or break the rollout of clean technologies.